New Layout: Reports

The long awaited reporting section is now being worked on. This is going to be massive and we hope to improve it with future updates. The idea is to keep it simple for now, but still providing massive calculating power to number-crunch all your financial data.

The design incorporates a Financials summary:

  • Payments: including the number of payment entries and total payment earnings. Note: payments are basically manual payment entries.
  • Invoices: including the number of invoice entries, the number of outstanding invoices and their total, the number of paid invoices and their total, and the grand total of all invoice earnings for both outstanding and paid.
  • We have included a filter that allows you to show a custom or predefined date range.
  • Earnings show the grand total of all payments and invoice earnings.

We have included a Student financials table that provides more details on a per-student-basis. This can be handy to see all of your students financial records in one place. This includes: the student name, payment earnings, the last payment, invoice earnings, outstanding payments, last invoice and a grand total of payments and invoice earnings. Again this is filterable via a custom or predefined date range.




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